Traci’s ARC Angels is invite-only! More info below…

INVITE-ONLY: Rejected Wolf Pack #5 and beyond
If you received an ARC of Rejected Wolf Pack #1, congrats, you’re one of Traci’s ARC Angels, and you’ll receive ARCs of the later books as well.
In 2024, ARCs are currently closed to newcomers, so only the team who got Book 1 ARCs will receive later books. The team typically reopens at the start of a new series.
Join Traci’s Reader Team to find out when ARC Angel slots become available! Sometimes I’ll add a few slots for newcomers in the middle of a series.
How to Join Traci’s ARC Angels if You Got an Invite
- First, you must join my reader team
- Review a Traci Lovelot book released in the past year (quick review links are below)
- Be sure to grab the review link or screenshot your review after you post it!
- Email me at to tell me you want to join the ARC Angels (to get around my spam filter, it’s best to send this email without any links or screenshots… if you don’t get a reply from me within a few days, try other ways to contact me)
- After you get a reply from me, send me your link or screenshot to finalize your membership!
- Then I’ll add you to the angels and send you the next ARC!
Hit the links below to easily review the books!
Amazon: MVC1, MVC2, MVC3, RWP1, RWP2, RWP3 or RWP4
Goodreads: MVC1, MVC2, MVC3, RWP1, RWP2, RWP3 or RWP4
Bookbub: MVC1, MVC2, MVC3, RWP2, RWP2, RWP3 or RWP4
Note: The link or screenshot can come from Amazon, Goodreads, or Bookbub.
Series are abbreviated:
- RWP = Rejected Wolf Pack
- OFQ = Our Fae Queen
- DHA = Demon Hunter Academy
- MVC = Mel’s Vampire Coven, now known as Bound to the Vampires!
Hit the links above to easily review the books! (Learn about each book here.)
Important Info About Review Language and Star Ratings
🚨 IMPORTANT: Amazon may delete reviews containing the word “exchange.”
Honest reviews are important! Say what’s on your mind in the review.
Not sure what to say? Here’s some suggestions.
Please bear in mind that even one or two low ratings can drag down my overall average. This can impact me in ways you may not realize, such as making it harder for me to get into promotional opportunities with other authors. 😔
Get more tips (like how to get the Verified tag) on my reviews page.
Ready for the next book?
🥳 If you’ve already emailed me your review, you’ll hear from me soon.
If it’s been more than 3 days since you emailed me and haven’t heard a response, contact me a different way… your email may have gotten trapped in my spam filter! 🤖
(I promise I really DO want to hear from you 💖 and I reply to most emails within 3 days!)
After we’ve finalized your membership, you’ll get a FREE Advance Review Copy (ARC) of my next book.
NEVER share ARCs – instead, ask your friends to join by going here:
Got questions about the team?
Check out this page for more info.
Thanks for your interest in my books!
I’m so glad you love reading my books. If you join Traci’s Reader Team, I’ll let you know when slots are open for ARCs! 😘